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Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

Did you know that there’s also a city in Florida called South Pasadena? Once part of the larger city that shares its name, South Pasadena is one of California’s smaller communities.

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Residential Air Duct Cleaning

Residential Air Duct Cleaning

A lot of people are becoming more and more aware of the benefits that home air duct cleaning offers. This is largely due to the fact that there have been a lot of information being circulated regarding health problems that are the result of the poor quality of indoor air

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Air Duct Cleaning Company

Air Duct Cleaning Company

You must be looking for a good cleaning company if you are reading this. If you are looking for excellent service for getting the air duct of your system cleared, you have come to the right place.

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Why You Should Clean Your Dryer Vents

02/17/2014 Back To Blog

Dirty dryer vents pose significant hazards to homeowners. Depending upon how much your dryer is used daily, lint deposits and other particles will build up in your vents over time. Removing this buildup not only reduces the risk of a major hazard, it also allows for more efficient use of your machine. Here’s why Dryer Vent cleaning is necessary.

Risk of Fire

Lint and dust particles will continually build up inside the vent coming from your machine. Since it uses very high temperatures in order to dry your clothes, it is possible for those particles to ignite and cause a fire. One of the leading causes of home fires is related to dirty dryer vents. If your machine is gas operated, buildup can lead to the generation of carbon monoxide, which poses a health risk.

Saving Money with Efficient Dryer Operation

After Professional Dryer vent cleaning, the machine is able to push air out more easily and remove the humidity that is in the clothing. The result is a more efficient drying process. The quicker the air is able to move through the system, the faster the drying process. The faster drying process means that you use less energy and save money along the way.

How Often Should They Be Cleaned?

The standard industry answer is to have cleaning done once every 18 to 24 months. This will vary, though, depending on a variety of factors. The number of people in a home may be the biggest factor. The more people there are, the more laundry needs done. A family of two will not do as much laundry as a family of five. Another factor is the length of the dryer vent. Compared to shorter ones, longer ones will have more surface area making the possibility of buildup more likely. Regardless, regular Dryer Vent Maintenance is necessary.

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